It is Friday and it is time to post my Top Artists of the week :D
There was a time when i listened to various contrast genres and you can look at my picture up there. The first and the second bands is Wild Nothing, Beach Fossils, and Craft Spells, which happen to be in the same label - Captured Tracks - and slightly had the same sounds. Listening to their songs a LOT these past 2 weeks, even makes Beach Fossils as my number 9 in my overall Top Artist on LastFm. Pretty cool, huh? Make sure you check Daydream by Beach Fossils. That's the keytrack :p
Oh and today i listened to Rusko's Hold On featuring Amber Coffman. It has both chillin' and dancing mood on it :D
And an underline should be given to Digital Ivy - he got 2 new tunes: the Ghosts of Paraguay's "One Lost Love (Digital Ivy remix)" and his own dubstep "Lost in Time":
Lost in time by digitalivy
Oh, you should check the motion video for his remix of Ghosts of Paraguay. Beautiful.
That's all for this week, go enjoy your weekend!
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