June 9, 2009


Today i was kinda doin' nothing at the office and 'accidentally' search my name on Google just to know wether my JUICE font appeared on other side of the world. :p
So i found 2 good news from there.
First, my JUICE LIGHT font is now available AND ready to download at fontriver.com. So if you have download it before on dafont, maybe you can download it again here. hahahh. Here's the sneak peek of JUICE light on fontriver.com:
Second, my JUICE LIGHT font on dafont.com, is already downloaded 8,039 times till yesterday!! Yea, that's enough to make my day. Or maybe you can download it again and i'll be happy for the rest of my life! :p

1 people shout:

Anis Wuku said...

jiiieeeeeee typographer...ihhiiyyyyy...

bikin font lagi lah...hhahhha

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
"people don't change, you just found out who they truly are"