August 27, 2010


Another weekend, so its time to the Top Artist, wooow it's freakin' fast! Heard Netsky as usual, plus Camo & Krooked helped me through the deadline and stuff :p Also there are Blur, Mew, Joy Division, and Digital Ivy. But hey, there's Anya Marina there! Actually i never realized that she has a very beautiful voice until i heard her song "Satellite Heart", which happen to be one of the Twilight Saga soundtrack. You should check her out!

Anya Marina - Satellite Heart

Anyway, Digital Ivy just posted his new Autumn Minimix on Soundcloud, even you can download it, here it is:
Digital Ivy - Autumn Minimix by digitalivy

Last, happy weekend all! Hope you have a blast one!

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Daisypath Anniversary tickers
"people don't change, you just found out who they truly are"